Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Guys and Dolls

Today I treated Teddy to a pushchair to push his doll around in. Ive been looking for a while, trying to find a unisex or blue one for him (as much as him pushing a pink pushchair round doesn't bother me, it'd be nice to be anything but pink). Unless I wanted to pay around £40 for a mini version of a pram, there was only one blue pushchair from Amazon (good for you! But it was twice the price of a pink one. Boo.) 

I find it awful that in 2016, the whole pushchair-doll role playing is still very much seen as a "girl thing". I know there will be parents out there that will still feel uncomfortable for their son to play with dolls, pushchairs and toy kitchens (Teddy has one of these too and loves it), but there will be more (at least I hope so) with the same attitude as myself and Adam. Why can't he pretend to be Daddy, Grandad, a doting Uncle or just like dolls? Why can't he have a pushchair in the colour of his choice rather than pink, fuchsia or rose? And why should us parents have to hunt high and low for one and pay twice the price?

In the end I gave up and paid £7 for a pink one. Teddy doesn't care. I gave it to him when we took a trip to Nanny's, and other than stopping to do a little colouring and to watch Timmy Time, he didn't stop pushing it around. He doesn't care it's pink, he's 18 months. All he knows is he's having a good time.

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